Westwards – A purification ritual

Half Marathon Race 2015

Participatory Performance

The half marathon race of 2015 is inspired by the westward steps of the ancient mystics, while they were crossing IeraOdos (Sacred Way) by starting from Athens (Kerameikos) and heading towards Eleusina, wanting to awaken their consciousness through the Eleusinian Mysteries.

The athletes of today’s half marathon race are called to cross the IeraOdosand hold in their conscience that the IeraOdos that used to be a universal symbol of an initiation course to catharsis, still preserves that very message. This is the distinctiveness of this specific half marathon race compared to others.

Fifteen athletes will participate in a symbolic ritual of purification (performance), so their racing experience can function as a new conscience beginning.

*Fifteen athletes are chosen because during ancient times on the 15th of the month Voidromiona the Procession of the Eleusinian Mysteries would happen.


Westwards, “a purification ritual”, press release at eleusisimimarathon.gr (watch online)

1st Half Marathon “On the traces of The Sacred Way”, article, 12/09/2015, artandlife.gr(watch online)

“Artistic approach of The Sacred Way”. Open Lectures, announcement post, lectures-in-athens.blogspot.gr (watch online)

Emilia Bouriti + Syn+Ergasia art platform