
Site-specific installation & performance

The performance "Cube" unfolds the relations between body, the symbol of "cube" and the energy of the industrial places of Eleusina.

A "cube" is the symbol of the “limitation” of matter. The opening of a cube creates a cross, the symbol of "Crucifixion" which the spirit experiences as it is incarnated in matter.


What we will see in Aisxylia 2017, article by Christos Paridis, 06/06/2017, at (watch online)

Eleusis - Wellness and Arts Festival 2017, press release, 10/05/2017, at (watch online)

Aisxylia 2017 Program, Festival of Events, 25/05/2017 (watch online)

Emilia Bouriti + Syn+Ergasia art platform